TEACHERS! EARN ROYALTIES! WE NEED TEACHER-AUTHORS TO CREATE CONTENT FOR OUR iPAD APPSWHO WE ARE: NeoLithix is a 21st-century educational software company with an innovative, patent-pending method for publishing teacher-created learning content in effective, fun and unique digital workbooks for the iPad. We are currently selling our products world-wide on Apple's iTunes App Store, and we are expanding our brand and increasing our library of content. Our unique patent-pending tutoring system is designed to make it easy for teachers to create amazing digital workbooks with a computer! We turn your work into a fully-functional educational iPad App, that will be used and enjoyed by students around the world.  WE NEED YOU! The media is full of stories (here and here) about classroom teachers -- facing uncertain futures as districts are threatened with budget cuts -- who are changing careers or adding side jobs. Great classroom teachers are selling cosmetics, or becoming real estate agents ... but that's NOT what you signed up for when you committed yourself to education, was it? And don't worry, we have a training program, and simple tutorials and tools to help you all along the way! You don't need any programming or app development experience - just your teacher skills! To get started - just fill out and submit the form on the right. Then click here to see our Teacher Tips + Tools page: a library of documents, videos and helpful info to help you get started. We are proud to announce our collaboration with new partner We Are Teachers a powerful online community for teachers, combining their members' expertise with the resources and knowledge base of their partners along with the momentum of social media to recognize and reward innovative teaching ideas.
VISIT OUR PROFILE PAGE ON WeAreTeachers! You can READ TEACHER REVIEWS ABOUT OUR PRODUCTS, (and write your own reviews, too), SAMPLE AND PURCHASE OUR PRODUCTS and QUALIFY FOR SPECIAL DEALS! .......................................................... ARE YOU A TEACHER? YOU CAN GET INVOLVED!We are now accepting content from teacher-partners. To apply, please fill out the contact form below. If you have questions about the program, or how to get started, download our PDF with Frequently Asked Questions. .......................................................... |