NeoLithix’s French Edition Kindergarten Space Board Bundle contains 13 great Skill Packets plus two bonus workbooks. Kindergarten-age & older
children, remedially, can hand-write in these workbooks countless times “digitally” using a stylus, rather than just once using
“write-once and throw away” conventional workbooks. A great “green” product! Students’ hand-written work is digitally
recorded for later review by parent, teacher or tutor.
-Over 300 pages for children to write, trace and color by hand, learning the fun digital way
-Developed by classroom teachers for Kindergarten age children & remedial use by older children
-Student uses a capacitive stylus, allowing the student to interact with the material, writing by hand,
versus tapping or touching the screen, clicking on a mouse or typing on a keyboard.
-Built-in on-line videos for workbook overview and a quick-start user’s guide
-Child’s hand-drawn and written work can be snap-shot archived and then printed or emailed
Skill Packets provide exercises that assist the student in mastering the following:
writing upper and lowercase letters, alpha-numeric dot-to-dot connections, word association & word
families, rhyming words & medial vowels, on-set rime, tracing and tracking, introduction to action
words, initial consonants, mazes, sequencing, telling time, and MUCH MORE....
Plus Two Bonus Books: Blank Pages for Creative Drawing & Ruled Pages for Creative Writing