Special Edition Rocket Series R-02 Tracing and Matching
Price: $1.49
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Special Edition Rocket Series R-02 Tracing and Matching


Space Boards Special Edition Workbooks feature larger images, larger print and more simplified pages.

Special children have special needs.

PreK-age & older children, remedially, can hand-write in this workbook countless times “digitally” using a stylus, rather than just once using “write-once and throw away” conventional workbooks. A great “green” product! Students’ hand-written work is digitally recorded for later review by parent, teacher or tutor.


-56 plus 2 bonus pages for children to write, trace and color by hand, learning the fun digital way
-Developed by classroom teachers for PreK age children & remedial use by older children
-Student uses a capacitive stylus, allowing the student to interact with the material, writing by hand, versus tapping or touching the screen, clicking on a mouse or typing on a keyboard.
-Child’s hand-drawn and written work can be snap-shot archived and then printed or emailed later
-Writing by hand makes learning fun, faster & easier!

Skill Packets provide exercises that assist the student in mastering the following:
writing upper and lowercase letters, tracing and tracking, word association & word families, rhyming words,   
geometric shapes, numerals and counting, word and icon matching and MUCH, MUCH MORE.... 
Plus Two Bonus Pages: A Blank Page for Creative Drawing & a Ruled Page for Creative Writing
Recent research & studies confirm that writing by hand promotes visual motor integration (hand-eye coordination) as well as cognitive and conceptual development and other intellectual and physiological skills. Writing by hand strengthens students cognitive development helps them grasp and express complex concepts and ideas and improves their overall intellectual achievement. 


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